
happy diwali 2020

Every year, this month invigorates cities with a festive spirit all around. This quarter is a favorite for many. And why not? It brings excitement, enthusiasm, lights up the mood with social gatherings, festive food, and gives a break for celebrations. However, this year, the coronavirus pandemic seems to have subdued the entire energy. To ensure public safety, there are restrictions on social gatherings and events like Garba night, Diwali exhibitions, and other related events. The big festivals like Durga Pooja, Dushehra, Diwali, followed by Christmas are around the corner and people have started figuring out the ways to plan safe celebrations. It is essential to lay extra emphasis on following social distancing and hygiene protocols. Here’re five ways that help light up your celebrations amidst the pandemic: Go digital Festivity is all about togetherness and strengthening bonds. People staying away from their family and loved ones are not able to travel due to COVID-19 led restrictio...

Hire Dot Net Developer from India in 2020

Even though today, there are many web development technologies like Java , Python, Ruby, and PHP available, .Net is still one of the most used ones. With the increasing costs of hiring an in-house .Net developer, many companies have started outsourcing their .Net development needs to offshore outsourcing companies. In this article, we will discuss why if you are looking to hire a .Net developer from an offshore company in 2020, India is your best bet.  Costs By hiring a .Net developer from India, you can save up to 70% on costs. You will save on recruitment and training, as the offshore company will handle the recruiting. You will save on infrastructure as the .Net developer will not be seated in-house, so the cost of infrastructure would be zero. You will save on insurances and bonuses, as you would not directly hire the .Net developer, you would not be responsible for their insurance and bonuses. Also, there would be no costs involved in travel allowances. On top o...

Benefits of Hiring the Best E-Commerce Development Company India

    Partnering together with the best E-Commerce Development Company will give you an unmistakable advantage in achieving the worldwide market through the web. A web based business site is not quite the same as a nearby store because of its boundless time and geological accessibility. It is fitting to search for rumored web based business advancement organizations that will have the capacity to make an aggressive online store that is versatile, intuitive and inescapable suiting your business prerequisites. This will be finished by talented and experienced online business software engineers and designers who have an intensive learning of essential things of web based business. Read More About : E-commerce website development services   Some of advantages of hiring the best e-Commerce Development Company are listed below: Domain Expertise Usually troublesome for private ventures to enlist internet business improvement specialists who have the right skills just a...

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

  Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is business process management software that allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage the business and automate many back office functions related to technology, services and human resources. ERP software typically integrates all facets of an operation — including product planning, development, manufacturing, sales and marketing — in a single database, application and user interface. ERP software integrates many business applications and activities which enables the system to cater to most of the processes and department if not all. We have taken the liberty of listing down the vital functional modules of ERP software. Though it must be clarified that, this is by no means is a comprehensive list and that the reach of ERP within any organization extends far beyond these key areas depending on the type of the structure.   Accounting and Finance      ...


    POWER OF POSITIVE THOUGHT   *इस कहानी को पढ़कर सारी ज़िन्दगी की टेंशन खत्म हो जायेगी * बस धैर्य ओर शांति से पढ़े POWER OF POSITIVE THOUGHT: एक व्यक्ति काफी दिनों से चिंतित चल रहा था जिसके कारण वह काफी चिड़चिड़ा तथा तनाव में रहने लगा था। वह इस बात से परेशान था कि घर के सारे खर्चे उसे ही उठाने पड़ते हैं, पूरे परिवार की जिम्मेदारी उसी के ऊपर है, किसी ना किसी रिश्तेदार का उसके यहाँ आना जाना लगा ही रहता है, इन्ही बातों को सोच सोच कर वह काफी परेशान रहता था तथा बच्चों को अक्सर डांट देता था तथा अपनी पत्नी से भी ज्यादातर उसका किसी न किसी बात पर झगड़ा चलता रहता था। एक दिन उसका बेटा उसके पास आया और बोला पिताजी मेरा स्कूल का होमवर्क करा दीजिये, वह व्यक्ति पहले से ही तनाव में था तो उसने बेटे को डांट कर भगा दिया लेकिन जब थोड़ी देर बाद उसका गुस्सा शांत हुआ तो वह बेटे के पास गया तो देखा कि बेटा सोया हुआ है और उसके हाथ में उसके होमवर्क की कॉपी है। उसने कॉपी लेकर देखी और जैसे ही उसने कॉपी नीचे रखनी चाही, उसकी नजर होमवर्क के टाइटल पर पड़ी। होमवर्क का टाइटल था… “वे चीजे...

3 Motivational Stories in Hind

  अब सिर्फ़ अच्छा ही होगा   अगर आप सोचते हैं की आप की लाइफ में सब कुछ ग़लत हो रहा है तो ये कहानी पढ़े सिर्फ़ और सिर्फ़ अच्छा ही होगा| छोटी सी कहानी है एक राजा ने अपनी प्रजा की परीक्षा लेने के लिए सड़क के बीचो बीच बड़ा पत्थर रखा और राजा साहब साइड मे जाकर खड़े हुए और देखने लगे कों इस पत्थर कौन उठता है जनता वाहा से धीरे धीरे निकल रही थी कुछ लोग आए पत्थर देखा और साइड से निकल गये|. कुछ लोग आए राजा को गलिया देने लगे| बोलने लगे क्या राजा है हमारा सड़को मे बड़े बड़े पत्थर रखे हुए है| सड़को की क्या हालत बना के रखी हुई है| एक किसान वहा से निकल रहा था, उसके सर पे टोकरी थी, टोकरी को नीचे रखा और उस पत्थर के पास आया, पत्थर को उसने हटाने की कोशिश की भारी पत्थर था इसलिए हटा नही| दोबारा कोशिश की धीरे धीरे पत्थर थोडासा खिसका और उस किसान ने उस पत्थर को सड़क के साइड कर दिया| वापस आकर किसान ने जब टोकरी सर पर  उठाने की कोशिश की तो उसकी नज़र पड़ी की वाहा पर एक थैली थी जिस जगह पर पत्थर था उसने थैली को उठाया खोला और देखा तो उसमे सोने की अशरफिया थी और साथ मे एक पत्र था जिसमे लिखा...

Top 6 Business Planning Action Points for the Diwali Festival Season .

  Failing to Plan for your Business, is Planning to Fail in your Business. Jewellery Buying for the season is on. Retailers, Vendors are all busy with “orders”. Is Business Planning a part of your business too? Clearly the market is getting ready for the season. Retailers and suppliers are optimistic. This will, probably be one of the best seasons in recent memory. Here are 6 important things that retailers, can do to really benefit. 1.     Creating and executing to a Business Plan The right way is to plan everything ahead. A September to November plan. When you now have the time for marketing campaigns, confirming the orders for staggered deliveries or even renovating the store. 2.    Customer Relationship Begin with connecting with the Customers, about the season ahead! Even a small promotion to remind them of your special relationship with them. It could be Ganapati Festival or a Teachers Day. Any event to invite the customer...